Pushing Boundaries to Create the World’s Most Advanced Networks

What is Access Network Solutions (ANS)?

ANS provides infrastructure products within CommScope’s Access Networks Solutions (ANS) business segment. 例: Hybrid fiber coax optical transceivers, nodes, amplifiers and taps; DOCSIS converged cable access platforms; video headends, and control systems; video content networks.

ANS チャネルプログラムは、すべてのチャネルメンバーと共有する透明性の高いルールのセットであり、自信を持ってアクセスネットワークソリューション製品を販売するために時間とお金を投資することができます。

コムスコープは全てのチャネルパートナーが製品販売の参加条件を満たすことを求めており、その見返りとして一連の便宜を図ります。Please see the guidelines for each respective region/ sub-region.

Channel Program Guidelines for Access Network Solutions (ANS):

Become an Access Network Solutions Channel Partner

For solution providers and distributors focused on selling, integrating, designing, installing and supporting the broad range of Access Network Solutions to Service Provider & MSO customers.

Access Network Solutions Channel Partner Portal

For Channel Partners already selling Access Network Solutions products, please log into the Channel Portal.