Google is leading the charge on “more profound workplace innovation,” according to a recent article in Design Week. The tech giant’s London office has put emphasis on collaboration and social interaction, including ‘design your own meeting rooms,” which are meant to address workplace space shortages and inflexibility.
Millennials are driving this change. Whether it’s connecting with family and friends, streaming content or completing work ‘on the go’, young people place a significant emphasis on connectivity. Companies are looking to Google as an example as they cater to today’s employee and tomorrow’s workplace.
This shift towards connectivity has followed changing expectations – with sports fans, students, employees, doctors and teachers demanding reliable video-on-demand, online gaming, teleworking, live access to social media and e-Health services. As a result, we see a huge opportunity for our partners to deliver superior customer service in the 21st century business environment. Check out this video which showcases how one of our partners is differentiating themselves via the PartnerPro Network.