Leveraging manifest manipulation to increase revenue, reduce costs and to address subscriber churn
Streaming with Adaptive Bitrate (ABR) video represents the future due to its ability to create a personalized user experience across many device types using standard technologies. But it comes with a unique set of challenges that must be overcome in order to build a profitable video service. Manifest manipulation, when paired with automation, monitoring, analytics and session management, can address these challenges. CommScope’s Manifest Delivery Controller (MDC) helps service providers deliver a profitable “Real TV” experience by enabling advanced services that generate revenue, reduce costs and improve the user experience.
"Real TV" services to improve profitability
CommScope’s Manifest Delivery Controller (MDC) allows service providers to deliver advanced personalization services and manages the user experience as they transition between services. These services help create a profitable video service by creating new revenue opportunities, reducing costs and reducing customer churn. Some of these services include:
- Targeted Advertising
- Alternate Content and Blackouts
- Emergency alerts
- CDN Steering
- Personal Channels
- 帯域幅の最適化
- The flexibility to create new services as needed
Visibility into the streaming ecosystem
Running at the heart of the streaming ecosystem, the MDC has perhaps the most complete view of the entire system and can provide deep insight into both system performance and overall health. MDC provides visibility into important metrics such as:
- Success rate and errors for client requests
- Success rate and errors for interactions with third party systems such as the Ad Decision Server
- CDN and Origin latency and any errors fetching content and Manifests
- Performance of ad request processing
- Rogue requests that may represent a security issue
- Shifts between bit rates throughout the streaming session
Versatility and ease of integration
Due to its role as the manager of the manifest and its ability to implement workflows that adjust for differences in content, message formats, parameters and other variables, MDC can greatly ease the integration of the streaming ecosystem and the addition of new components.
MDC integrates with third party systems to enable advanced services that improve video service profitability.
End to end video expertise
Leader in advertising
当社はデジタル広告挿入のマーケットリーダーとして認められ、高信頼性、最小の TCO という誇るべき評価を受けてます。
当社はデジタル広告挿入のマーケットリーダーとして認められ、高信頼性、最小の TCO という誇るべき評価を受けてます。
Manifest manipulation
CommScope’s Manifest Delivery Controller can mean happier users and improved profitability for content providers of all kinds.
当社の専門家は、当社の Emmy® 賞受賞ソリューションをデザイン、インストール、統合し、お客様のサービス加入者に「本物のテレビ」体験を提供して新規顧客を獲得しながら広告収益を最大化するのを支援できます。