
Make the most of government funding opportunities

With billions in federal funds available to help fast-track broadband connectivity deployment and improve America’s access to fiber optic internet, the time is now for service providers to close the digital divide. From navigating the funding landscape and choosing the right grant program to helping with budgeting, network deployment, and workforce development, CommScope is here to help speed and streamline the complete lifecycle of your government-funded broadband connectivity deployments.

We have experts and a network of ecosystem partners that cover every phase of the deployment journey, helping you roll out high-quality broadband connectivity services quickly and cost-effectively. And as a leading U.S. manufacturer of broadband connectivity technologies and fiber optic solutions, CommScope is ready to help deliver the quality BABA-compliant solutions you need to expand broadband connectivity into unserved and underserved markets and significantly improve digital equity throughout the U.S. With the support of the infrastructure bill, we are committed to bridging the digital divide and enhancing broadband connectivity for all.


Broadband for Everyone Accelerate Program

Federal and state funding can help accelerate your FTTH projects, but the process can be confusing. The Broadband for Everyone Accelerate Program provides expert help throughout the lifecycle of federal- and state-funded FTTH projects. For service providers, that means government-funded projects flow smoothly from start to finish. 詳細


この Township to Rural Network Comparison Guide(都市部と地方のネットワークの比較ガイド)をご覧になれば、さまざまなネットワークトポロジーのオプションを検討したり、推奨される製品に関する情報を受け取ったり、具体的なネットワークタイプに基づいて導入コストの比較モデルを導入したりすることができます。



「みんなのためのブロードバンド」に関しては、コムスコープは BABA に全面的に準拠しています。

コムスコープの Paul Hubbard は、コムスコープが IIJA の BABA 指令に準拠するためにすべてのオプションの審査に積極的に取り組んでいる理由を、それが米国経済の触媒であるだけでなく、当社のコアバリューと企業責任の目標に密接に合致しているためであると説明しています。



Deploy fiber faster icon

Deploy fiber faster

CommScope offers an end-to-end FTTH portfolio that’s designed to accelerate fiber deployment and speed time to market.

Improve staff productivity icon

Improve staff productivity

Our FTTH solutions are designed to make things easier for the technicians who deploy fiber, provision services, and maintain networks.

Maximize TCO icon

Maximize TCO

We help service providers solve the unique economic challenges that are common in rural and remote broadband markets.

Maximize TCO icon

Improve Sustainability

Our industry-recognized corporate responsibility and sustainability combined with a full product lifecycle approach enables a sustainable broadband future.

Explore broadband for everyone solutions


The NOVUX™ modular FTTH ecosystem is built to speed and streamline fiber deployment. It’s the industry’s first solution that helps service providers make broadband for everyone practical by supporting more applications and deployment scenarios with less inventory—and a much lower learning curve for technicians. 詳細.


CommScope’s Prodigy™ hardened connectivity system provides a universal small form solution that can help service providers speed and simplify their rollouts of broadband for everyone. With Prodigy, customers need only one cable assembly that can be adapted for a variety of connector types—making installation and ordering fast and easy while reducing training requirements and accelerating fiber deployment. 詳細.




FTTH network ePlanner

Learn how CommScope’s new FTTH network ePlanner can help you make critical connectivity decisions and create a customized network that’s ready for the future.






  • Centralized Connectivity Solutions For Broadband Deployments

    Our LSX/EPX families of solutions for rural and low-density deployments
  • Broadband for Everyone Accelerate Program

    The CommScope Broadband for Everyone Accelerate Program provides expert help throughout the lifecycle of federal- and state-funded FTTH projects. Learn more about how we can help.
  • パンフレット:HeliARC™ 光ファイバーケーブル

    FTTH 農村展開用 HeliARC 光ファイバーケーブル。
  • パンフレット:コムスコープ FLX™ 統合次世代 PON キャビネット

  • ホワイトペーパー:次世代 DAA PON を使用するすべての人のためのパワーブロードバンド

  • パンフレット:Prodigy® small form hardened connector system

    Profigy は、インストールがこれまでになく迅速かつ簡単な包括的なソリューションでファイバー・トゥ・ザ・ホーム (FTTH) ネットワークの可能性を解き放ちます。Prodigy is a small-form hardened connector system for fiber terminals and cable assemblies and is the preferred choice for future-ready networks.