Making the Roster: CommScope’s New Positions on the Standards Teams

CommScope has been a longstanding global leader in standards development. In her latest blog, Julie Roy discusses how CommScope’s involvement in standards groups provide the insight to better help customers optimize and plan their telecommunications infrastructure.

Making the RosterSome of you may be familiar with standards groups but may not know how my company works within these groups to help develop the specifications for new and emerging technologies.

CommScope has been a longstanding global leader in standards development, and our expertise was rewarded last month at the TIA TR-42 Engineering Committee meeting with key committee appointments.

Voted on by our partners as well as competitors, these high-profile positions demonstrate the respect that we’ve earned within the industry. I would like to recognize some of my new teammates (and yes, me too) for taking on important roles in the standards groups:

Wayne Larsen was elected Chair of TR 42.7, Telecommunications Copper Cabling Systems

Paul Kolesar was re-elected Chair of TR 42.11, Optical Systems

Julie Roy (yours truly), is Chair of TR 42.4, Outside-plant Cabling Systems; Chair of TR 42.10, Sustainable Information Communications Technology; and newly-elected Vice-Chair of TR 42.5, Telecommunications Infrastructure Terms and Symbols

Several other CommScope team members were appointed as task group chairs and document editors. The elections reflect our longstanding work and commitment in developing industry standards, specifications and best practices in the US and abroad.

Within the TR-42 committee and TR 42.7 subcommittee, we’ve taken an active role in developing the Category 8 cabling systems standard. We are committed members of TIA TR-42 and continually work to develop useful documents that support today’s applications while promoting a migration path for future applications. On the TR 42.11 fiber side, we’re working hard on multimode launch conditions for the field-testing and preparation of 400 Gbps Ethernet.

CommScope continually strives to advance standards in cabling infrastructure, security, educational facilities, intelligent building systems and sustainable information communications technology. Our work with distributed antenna systems (DAS) continues to pave the way for industry best practices. We’ve created documents that address all of these subject areas, and they’ve quickly become valuable industry resources.

Our goal is to seek new and innovative ways to protect our customers’ cabling infrastructure and investment. We accomplish this goal with practical, in-field experience and a team of technical managers throughout North America who help our customers understand published and developing standards, as well as optimize their telecommunications cabling design.

If you have any questions about our involvement within the standards groups or how standards affect your area, leave a comment below and I will be sure to get back with you.