No Permit, No Problem

You just bought the world’s perfect lawnmower. The only problem is that you can’t get it to fit in your garage. Would you believe service providers have the same issue with fiber deployment? CommScope’s Brian Berdan explains how this analogy works.

FDH_4000(1)When my dad and I worked on projects, he had two clichés that he repeated early and often. One was, “there is a correct and proper tool for every job.” The other was, “a place for everything, and everything in its place.” These sayings hold true, too, for service providers when it comes to FTTX deployments. There are ways to get the job done, but the same solutions or products work better than others.

Enter in the sealed FDH 4000, or fiber distribution hub, that is designed to go “below grade,” or underground. The hub allows fiber to be routed between the central office or headend to the end user. It helps eliminate problems with permitting because after it’s installed, the FDH is literally out of sight. It protects it from vandalism or security issues. It’s also built to withstand any kind of outside environment like wind, snow and ice.

We call the FDH the “no permit, no problem” solution. That’s because – especially in urban areas – there is simply no more space on a pole or on the street for a fiber hub. There are also times when governing bodies want to protect the aesthetics of a park or historic site, and won’t issue a permit for an above ground FDH anywhere near it. People want their connectivity, but they don’t want to look at it. So, what’s a carrier to do?

An underground solution like the FDH 4000 can be a viable faster path to overcoming permitting challenges. I explain it in more detail below.

What kind of deployment issues are you having? We’d love to hear about them. After all, we’re solution people.